
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Iceland Must Be The Shit

Watch this Video Naouuugh.

If it does not make you want to go to Iceland, I do not know what possibly would. Their incredible system for Geothermal Power? Their meager population of 318,000? The dynamic landscape and architecture?

I don't know, but they all sure know how to dance... and dance like me for that matter. They all seem incredibly friendly, easy going, fun loving, and beautiful people. Its a natural wonder that they do not get more tourism for its untamed landscapes. It could essentially be its own National Park.

I bring up this video for a couple reasons. One, it really makes me want to go to Iceland. Two, it is one of the most simple and friendly forms of marketing for a country I have ever seen. Three, it is down to Earth enough that it can relate to most people.

Let's look at these ideas in a little bit more depth. The cinematography is breath taking. The contrasts, the vibrancy, and the variety of places this film is shot at make it exciting. It is certain that it is typically overcast and sort of dreary in Iceland for the Majority of the Year and never really breaches 80 F. But the people make it so inviting. To me, it is like an island paradise with goof balls like myself. Just to point out, I am part Norse - and by extension, Icelandic.

The video is so simple. It combines a communities of people being themselves simply dancing. This demonstrates how diverse their population is in terms of demographics - even if ethnically, they may not be so much. This style enables them to show some things Iceland has to offer. Scuba Diving, Hiking, Natural parks, Weddings, Pubs, Roll Playing, Spelunking, River Rafting - to name a few. They are not trying to emphasize world class hotels or restaurants - but simply all the joys that nature can offer.

Nowadays, it seems as though any advertisement for a continent, country, or state, is based purely on modern appeal. What luxuries can you offer me? How good are the prices? How many water slides do you have? I am not saying these are not good things or even things that do not interest me. However, something can be said for the creative genuine nature of this video. It is not trying to convince you to have fun, it is motivating all its own to smile a little and dance around.

Hopefully, I can earn myself an Icelandic wife. I bet she's a great dancer. : P

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