
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Some Sites I Typically Browse

Usually, I only follow a handful of sites and their subsequent partner sites for my news, fun facts, comedy, etc. These include,,,, and

It is pretty funny because oftentimes they cross reference each other and get news at different times from different sources. Today, I want to talk about a post on Geekologie that happened not too long ago...

I really like Geekologie because even though the humor of the editor is to be desired (he's really immature and rather quirky), he does consistently make posts like This, That, This, or This. Furthermore, I get all of the references and what makes many of these things cool or interesting.

Today, I would like to talk about this post. The title : $1 Billion Star Trek Resort Being Built. His source is here.

I wanted to talk about what sort of effect this had on my family. My mom's reaction was "Oh God Please No." My Sister's reaction was "Hmmm... Where is Jordan?" My Dad proclaimed that "We MUST Go." My Brother and I just smiled.

It is a new amusement park being built in Jordan - the Middle East for you Geographically impaired. I am stoked. It is not completely based on Star Trek, but rather "High Tech themes." This is so that you can feel as though you are several decades in the future.

I want to know how they are going to market this. Star Trek dawned its saga in the United States, and since then, has turned endless spin offs, sequels, prequels, movies, and merchandise. It has some of the wildest conventions on the planet and has cult fans across the globe. But how do you market this extravagant Geek-Marvel if it is in one of the most highly controversial regions in the world? Certainly Jordan is more stable than some other parts of the middle east, but that is what they told me before I went to Egypt too. Most people are not willing to spend the $1000s to get on the plane only to have fears of political unrest and violence. I have no doubts that it is going to be top of the line, and incredibly well managed. The United Emirates have perfected high class - Dubai and Abu Dhabi for starters. Only the most steadfast Trekies would go that far for the experience (My father being one of them... and me.)

The park is scheduled to be completed 2014. If it is done that soon, than I suppose I have an idea where my dad would want to take my brother and I after we graduate college...

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